March 31, 2025

Runyan Memories – Dale VilleMonte

Runyan Lake
Our Summer Paradise
By Dale VilleMonte

 My memories are nothing but fabulous and the years we spent at the cottage were filled with good memories. We were able to fish and swim just about anytime we wanted, weather permitting. We knew that lake pretty well. My brother and I swam across and back one afternoon while dad rowed. Then one day, mom rowed while I swam around the lake. Mom and Dad supported most of my brother’s and my endeavors.

We had a lot of really great friends at Runyan. Carmen and Buddy and the Hall’s and the Burkes, these were our closest friends-the ones we had the most fun with. We would go to the sunken gardens, and take the boat to turtle lake. We also took the boat across the lake to the Public Dock and went to a small store for goodies. They had a riding ranch over there also. We would take hikes into Fenton where we would stop and see Carmen and Buddy and their folks. We always felt wanted. They were very warm and friendly people. We would stop at an ice cream parlor if we had the money.

The Burkes were the first of our group to sell their cottage, then the Hall’s moved to England and thus sold their cottage. We bought a new house and with everything that had to be done, it was too much work for dad to keep both the house and the cottage, so we ended up selling the cottage.

You wouldn’t believe how built up the lake is now. I don’t think there is an empty lot on it anymore. They really spoiled the lake we knew. It was getting a little too busy when we left, but today it has to be awfully busy.

We were very fortunate to have experienced such great times at Runyan Lake, “Our Summer Paradise.”